Arcadia Galston Residents Association

Galston Village Public Domain Plan

Hornsby Council is asking for community feedback and comment on the draft Galston Village Public Domain plan.
Residents are encouraged to take a look at the plans and offer any feedback to assist in refining the plan.

Council staff will present the plan and seek community feedback at the next AGRA meeting at 7pm on Monday 27 May, 2024 (Galston Club).

Galston Village East

1 & 3 Johnson Rd Galston

Hornsby Council has called for submissions from the community on it’s planning proposal to rezone 1 & 3 Johnson Rd as E4 General Industrial. Consulation closes on 22 October. Visit the Your Say site for more detail and submission form.

First community BBQ a great success

Thanks to everyone who attended AGRA’s first free community BBQ. The afternoon at Arcadia Community Hall and surrounds was well-attended and very well-received. There was plentiful fabulous food and lots of conversation with community members catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. Thanks also go to the volunteers who assisted the AGRA committee in making the afternoon a relaxing and rewarding way to spend a Sunday!

“We should do this again…!” – Yes, indeed.

Free Community BBQ – Sunday 12 March 2023

To book your free tickets use the QR code above or go to Try Booking.

Festival of the Scarecrow 2022

“Thank You” to all who participated in the 2022 Festival of the ScareCrow.

It was a marvellous display of resourcefulness, ingenuity, creative flair, determination & talent.

Chris Russell AM adores his role as ’Crow Judge. He diligently appraises each exhibit for artistic merit, originality, workmanship, attention to detail & humour. He has signed up to do it all again at AGRA’s 2023 Festival of The ScareCrow. (Dates to be advised.)

Hope you enjoy the video show with muzak accompaniment!!

Until next year …


Chief ScareCrone

Thank you to all the residents that got involved in the Festival of the Scarecrows in 2021. See below compilation of the entries.

Well done everyone!

Welcome to AGRA…..

AGRA was established in 1996 with the aim to preserve, promote & further develop the historical, social, cultural & environmental features of the geographical area within postcode 2159.

We celebrate, advocate & collaborate for our community.

AGRA is a volunteer-led, Not For Profit (NFP) association with the community’s interests at the forefront of its objectives.

Objectives of AGRA include:

  • providing a forum to reflect and express local wishes & views;
  • to be concerned with preserving & promoting desirable historical, social, environmental, and cultural features of postcode 2159;
  • develop, encourage and enhance the sense of community;
  • initiate, conduct, promote, sponsor purposeful activities/projects that are inclusive;
  • act, at all times, on behalf of and in the interest of, the community;
  • affiliate and otherwise liaise with others;
  • advance the operations and activities of the association;
  • have regard to the public interest in the association’s operations;  and
  • undertake, and/or do all such things or activities which are necessary, incidental or conducive to the advancement of the association’s objectives.

Other activities include:

  • Formal submissions to Hornsby Council including letters, reports and requests regarding local issues
  • Organisation and support for change in a variety of forms

    Check out the imagery and happenings in the area at